Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I'm not making this up....

This is posted on the Whitehouse website. http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/energy/

No kidding.

President Bush Attends Washington International Renewable Energy Conference 2008

"...[L]et me start first by telling you that America has got to change its habits. We've got to get off oil. And the reason why is, first, oil is -- dependency on oil presents a real challenge to our economy. As economies grow -- and we want all our economies to grow; we want people to be prosperous, we want people who are living in poverty to be able to grow out of poverty. We want there to be general prosperity, but as economies grow, until we change our habits, there is going to be more dependency on oil."
--President George W. Bush, March 5, 2008

I'm speechless.

Jane Spahr: No Harm, No Foul

The Presbyterian Church (USA) aquitted Jane Spahr. They determine that she had done no wrong in marrying a lesbian couple, because the PCUSA doesn't recognize same sex marriages. In effect, she didn't marry the lesbian couple because she did not have the authority to do so. Yes, she performed a ceremony, but it didn't count. Therefore, no wrong was committed.

What an interesting decision.